How It All Started
You’re probably wondering about all the cactus photos, right? Well let me begin by telling you that my home state is Arizona. I relocated to Columbus, Georgia with my husband in June of 2018. I graduated with a 4.0 cumulative GPA from Northern Arizona University with a Bachelors Degree in Interior Design. I wanted to bring a part of Arizona with me. So, I thought what better way to do that than to incorporate a little bit of Arizona into my logo.
That being said, I am ready to bring a fresh perspective to the south. I began my career working in a design showroom where I became highly acquainted with selecting every finish you could need for a home. I have gained the product knowledge to pull together many different pieces to create a finished whole. This is when I realized I had a passion for listening to what people want, and how they desire to feel in a space. I then take the information, and design the perfect interior environment using creative material and finish selections.
I can’t wait to help you design your dream space within your budget! I am prepared to work with existing items you already have, or find special pieces that are completely new.
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“An interior is the natural projection of the soul.”